Secure WordPress Install – Possible In Just a Few Steps.

Security is one of the biggest factors working against WordPress right now, but it doesn't have to be.  It's easy to achieve a secure WordPress install if you start off on the right foot.  Luckily for you, I have three simple instructions to get you rolling in the right direction: Achieve a Secure WordPress Install by Installing…

HTML5 Vs Flash Looks like HTML5 May Win the Race.

Adobe has had a long battle with justifying the future of their flash platform. This HTML5 vs Flash battle was brought into play when Steve Jobs wrote an open letter to Adobe. The letter was explaining why he's decided to not allow flash on his iOS platform--in favor of HTML5. In a strong effort to prove the platform…

What do Business Owners **NEED** to Know about Websites?

Most of you know that I released my first book last year - The Modern Day Printing Press: An Unofficial Guide to WordPress for Small Business (Go to Main Site | Buy at Amazon). What you may not know is that I have a more official book coming out in just a few weeks. Published by…