Getting the Best SEO Value Out of Pretty Permalinks.

By default, WordPress has some pretty brutal permalinks. Without any modifications, they tend to look a little something like this: Servers absolutely love this kind of thing. It's really easy for a server to process a permalink system like this; but unless your blog post is about p=12, this permalink really provides no SEO…

Why Businesses Should Be Using Gravity Forms

When people think Contact Form on WordPress, the first two that come to mind are likely cforms and Contact Form 7; both are great (and free!) plugins to use.  They work wonders for the simple contact form, and if you just need a gateway for individuals to contact you without exposing your email address to…

The Cherry On Top — Creating Custom Login Screens In WordPress.

One of the best features of Wordpress is the level of customization available. Almost everything is possible with the platform. Essentially it's safe to say if you can dream it, you can do it. (Assuming you have enough resources of course!) If you've recently had a custom Wordpress theme created, or if you sell custom theme development,…