Freedom Ocean Rocks!

If you have ever thought about trying your hand at Internet Marketing and stayed away from it because you didn’t know how to and it seemed rather complex, or if you did try it and became annoyed by the wealth of crappy information out there “teaching” you how to do it, you might want to check out Freedom Ocean.

Freedom Ocean is a weekly(ish) podcast run by Australian-guru Internet Marketer James Schramko and seasoned business podcasting expert Tim Reid that discusses different aspects of Internet Marketing, and I’m here to tell you that in my 15+ years working in the industry, I’ve never heard this instructional information presented in a more basic, understandable, easy-to-follow method.  James is known internationally for his no-B.S. approach to training people how to properly build out their businesses and learn to leverage the Internet properly, and Tim is an excellent catalyst in helping James flesh out the main points that should be discussed for any different topic.  Put together in Freedom Ocean, James and Tim routinely deliver a content rich and fairly entertaining podcast that is incredibly easy to follow and understand.  Further, the quality of the content is such that it is equally useful for Internet Marketing newbies as well as seasoned professionals who are looking for a refresher on some of the fundamentals of different Internet Marketing business models.

To expound on the notion of Internet Marketing just a bit, keep in mind that Internet Marketing is really an umbrella term that applies to just about any type of marketing that is conducted online.  Therefore, there are a bevy of different ways to be an Internet marketer and it all depends on what your intentions are.  You may choose to be a local market web developer in which you seek to help brick-and-mortar businesses in a specific locality increase the effectiveness of their website and marketing presence online.  Alternately, you may choose to sell other peoples products independently online in exchange for an affiliate commission.   Or perhaps you understand how to do something with precise skill and want to market your intellectual knowledge to others… each of these are examples of Internet Marketing-based business models, and are quite legitimate and successful ways to build a business.  James & Tim discuss these three and several more of these business models in detail in two of the first Freedom Ocean podcast episodes, and for each give a description, time investment analysis, and an idea of who the business model tends to be well-suited towards.  Have a listen to podcast #2 and #3, as listed below:

The Internet marketing business model with the most explosive growth?


Another five Internet marketing business models.

Make no mistake… none of this stuff is get-rich-quick or push-button-easy type of stuff – they are REAL business models – but they are all very useful.  Either way, do yourself a favor and check out Freedom Ocean… it’s by far the best Internet Marketing podcast on the Internet and on iTunes!