Simple SEO Tips — The Power of Anchor Text.

It seems like everyone freaks out whenever Google makes an update to their search algorithm when in reality not everyone has a good reason to do so. Sure, Google makes a mistake or two and some innocent sites get lower SERPs because of it, but that's pretty unavoidable as nothing is perfect. Thankfully, if you think…

My Definition of "Lifestyle Design"

Happy Sunday ya'll!  Hope it's chocked full of rest, golf, movies, brunch, and mimosas or bloody marys wherever you find yourself on this fine day of rest.  As for my wife and me?  Well, today we find ourselves in Boston, and we're both making our inaugural trip to Fenway Park to see the Red Sox take on the Orioles.…

Setting Up Google Apps (Gmail) For Your Business (Gmail Series Part 4)

Okay, so I've told you how awesome Gmail is and how it's really made a difference for my business, so I suppose it's time I let everyone in on the secret of setting up Gmail for your business domain. Truthfully, it's a pretty simple process and no one should have any issues setting it up.…