Executing WordPress Malware Removal

Learn about WordPress Malware Removal below:

Malware is one of the worst parts about running a WordPress site. This makes WordPress Malware Removal extremely important. There are bots on the internet as we speak that are coded to automatically find security holes in various WordPress installs and attempt to hack them. As WordPress continues to gain popularity, so will these threats and security risks. This is true of all things in the world of IT.

On the good side of things, unlike certain OS makers, WordPress doesn’t pretend that malware doesn’t exist on their platform. Because of that, many options for protecting yourself against such attacks have surfaced. One plugin I personally like above the rest is BackupBuddy for WordPress Malware Removal.

For a while now, BackupBuddy has provided an easy way to migrate, backup, and restore websites. Recently they have added a feature to scan your WordPress install for possible malware. The best part about this is, it’s been made so ridiculously easy to use that it’s literally a one click process.

After BackupBuddy is installed and running, you’ll find a section in your WordPress Dashboard labeled BackupBuddy.  Below it, there will be an option called Malware Scan and all you need to do is select it this executes a WordPress Malware Removal scan.

Once you select it, BackupBuddy goes straight to work.  No other steps are needed. You’ll immediately see a screen that lets you know it’s performing WordPress Malware Removal.

Once the scan is completed, you’ll be provided with a good amount of information about your links, web server, and status with security sites.

On the very top of that report, you’ll be given the most valuable information about your site – it will list the malware you’ve currently got running. Hopefully, your results will look similar to what’s shown below:

If your screen looks exactly as ours does above, then pat yourself on the back! Your website is safe from malware and you’ve got nothing to worry about just yet!

Be sure to run scans like this whenever you remember, otherwise you might find yourself with a compromised WordPress install!

WordPress Malware Removal is as easy as one click!