Baby, Don't Fear the Penguin…

So I'm excited today because I get to write about "Penguin".  You've probably heard about Google's latest update to their search algorithm called "Penguin", and chances are you got a little scared for your business or your blog's traffic--but most of you shouldn't be... plus, it's a great excuse to put pictures of penguins in blog posts.…

Simple SEO Tips — The Power of Anchor Text.

It seems like everyone freaks out whenever Google makes an update to their search algorithm when in reality not everyone has a good reason to do so. Sure, Google makes a mistake or two and some innocent sites get lower SERPs because of it, but that's pretty unavoidable as nothing is perfect. Thankfully, if you think…

An Easy Way to Say No More 404!

When it comes to ranking in Google - or Bing/Yahoo for that matter - everyone knows 404's are the biggest thing you'll want to avoid. Just about every search engine known to man hates broken links with a steamy hot passion. Honestly though, can you blame them? When you feed them a broken link, they pass it…