An Easy Way to Say No More 404!

When it comes to ranking in Google - or Bing/Yahoo for that matter - everyone knows 404's are the biggest thing you'll want to avoid. Just about every search engine known to man hates broken links with a steamy hot passion. Honestly though, can you blame them? When you feed them a broken link, they pass it…

WordPress Mobile Ready Websites — The Easy Way!

Last week I wrote about creating mobile-ready websites; how many times it's tossed around as a BuzzWord, and it's more of a want than a need in terms of SEO. Thankfully when you are using WordPress, you have an endless pool of plugins at your disposal. Some of these plugins are able to instantly create…

Brute Force WordPress Attacks Are Preventable With Limited Login

Brute Force Wordpress attacks are probably one of the oldest internet tricks in the book. Basically these attacks are performed by bots (or people) who have special scripts running that are usually hooked up to some sort of "Common Password Dictionary" where it will try hundreds of combinations of words and numbers automatically until it figures out…