Do Yourself a Favor, Don’t Use the Default Table Prefix in WordPress.

Setting up Wordpress is a pretty easy process, thanks to all the wonderful scripts Automatic has included in WordPress's core. Essentially, all it takes to install WordPress is doing the 3 following things: Create a Database Upload WordPress Core Files Run Setup Script This is great for the average user, because it allows them to…

Fixing the OpenHook!

Every once in a blue moon, a WordPress plugin developer will decide to completely overhaul his plugin, which often results in the end user having to do a little more work than the standard update process within WordPress to complete the plugin update.  This usually has to do with database tables or some other fundamental…

An Easy Way to Say No More 404!

When it comes to ranking in Google - or Bing/Yahoo for that matter - everyone knows 404's are the biggest thing you'll want to avoid. Just about every search engine known to man hates broken links with a steamy hot passion. Honestly though, can you blame them? When you feed them a broken link, they pass it…