What is Google Authorship?

In the past several months, you might have noticed that, when running a Google search, a handful of results have a nice little picture next to them of an individual, as well as that individual's name. For example:     This is Google Authorship. It's a handy little feature of Google's social network, Google+, that aims to add a…

What is "Social Search"?

In 2012, Google launched a new service - more like a new style - of searching for Google+ users. Google refers to the service as "Search, plus Your World". Most people, however, simply refer to it as "Social Search". Take a look at the following video by Google to get a run down of how the product…

Quality, Easy-to-Use WordPress Plugins for Marketers

Yesterday, I wrote a blog post that discussed the harsh realities facing professionals coming from the non-technical marketing world when faced with the prospect of hiring contract web developers.  The article painted a fairly bleak picture that involved the uphill climb of developing a basic technical proficiency to do it well, but what about folks…