What is Google Authorship?

In the past several months, you might have noticed that, when running a Google search, a handful of results have a nice little picture next to them of an individual, as well as that individual's name. For example:     This is Google Authorship. It's a handy little feature of Google's social network, Google+, that aims to add a…

Using Gmail with Your Regular Email Address

Gmail is without a doubt the most powerful tool in email today. Everyone knows it offers a fantastic interface and insane reliability; however, the service also has boat loads of features embedded that Google never really talks about and only the few who've really taken the time to explore the service know exist. One of those…

What is "Social Search"?

In 2012, Google launched a new service - more like a new style - of searching for Google+ users. Google refers to the service as "Search, plus Your World". Most people, however, simply refer to it as "Social Search". Take a look at the following video by Google to get a run down of how the product…